John, I am truly sorry you were in a prisoner of war camp for five years. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't that about 40 years ago? Didn't your extreme sacrifice and incredible display of courage and determination convince you that the best principles of our nation—honesty, fair play and equality for all should be upheld by everyone, especially Presidential Candidates? Didn't you find that respect for the individual is one of our most valuable national values? Wasn't it starkly apparent from that experience that we are all equal, and that no man or woman or corporation should benefit to the detriment of otheres, especially millions of others? Wouldn't it be anathema to you to find that a Senior official of the very administration that runs our government had leaked the identity of one of our undercover intelligence agents working for years to combat terrorism just to cover up their own complicity in fabricating data to go to war? Wouldn't you find criminal, any American President, Vice President or Secretary of Defense who had knowingly instigated, promoted and covered up our use of the very torture techniques which caused you so much pain in Viet Nam? If so, why in God's name are you running a hack campaign that insists on promoting lies about your opposition, and attacking the person and his family instead of working to make this a better nation?
And finally, are you really asking us to give you and your Republican buddies the opportunity to have four more years to trample our constitutional rights, hand over huge tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of the population and the largest oil coprorations? Are you kidding? And with all that, you are actually trying to make the first black presidential candidate look bad by using more lies and subterfuge instead of just being honest and saying you cannot stomach a Black man in power?
Now Rush, you need to get in on this, as you have also trashed John, because he apparently isn't dirty and deceitful enough for you. Is there anyone who actually believes you have any real love of this country, or any decent thoughts of your fellow Americans? Have you ever, for just one minute thought of the damage that you so gleefully spout and what harm it does to everyone? Does it make you feel good to deal in nothing but negative and vicious attacks on people that many times you manufacture or lift from someone who manufactured it? Do you have a gracious, honest American bone in your drug riddled, venomous body?
What can I say, George? You, along with your evil Daddy, Dick, have engineered the biggest money grab in the history of American Politics. You lied to get us into a war that has changed the course of history, and the face of the greatest nation on earth in the worst ways. You have sold our economic health up the river for decades to come. You pissed on our environment and our allies, and ignored climate change and global warming and squandered our position in the world order. You flipped the finger to all of our enemies, dramtically escalating tensions everywhere, and fixed nothing in the war on terror. You diddled at nation building after you turned Iraq into a torn and battered nation, while completely bungling the prosecution of the international terrorist and his organization who slaughtered almost 4000 of our citizens and attacked us in our home, as nobody since the Japanese in 1941. You are a moron, a liar, a greedy robber baron and a chicken-shit drunken cowboy who cannot even complete a sentence without bungling the English language and looking like a buffoon. You should be impeached and jailed, preferable with Dick Cheney and Donnie Rumsfeld. Waterboarding is too good for any of you. What you need is for someone to open a large can of ass-whipping on the bunch of you.
P.S. If anyone reading this is seriously thinking of voting for John McLame, I submit you are either (1) simply too weak to admit you are a racist, or (2) just another rich bastard who is happy to let their greed for their own personal gain outweigh common sense and true patriotism, or (3) you are like Rush and Bill O'Really and are all of the above, or (4) you are Joe Lieberman.
P.S.S. Remember me when Barack Obama and Joe Biden assume the position of President and Vice President. I will be the one with one finger in the air asking you to "KISS MY ASS!"
My name is Brian Everhart and I approve this message.
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Oh Brian. Tell us how you REALLY feel. That was great.
I'm sorry, did I write that out loud?
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